Thursday, September 07, 2006

[the last 24hrs...i'm too tired to think straight]

yoga on the roof with two frighteningly flexible europeans.
sudden addiction to my nightly sun salutation [go figure]
salted-cake, khmer style
banana leaves
salted bodies, dust, exhaust, red, gold, brown, green, richly coloured poverty
rue 113
clothes that need to be peeled at night
the cloud appreciation association, collective appreciat-ors of phnom penh blue purple rose and gold.
the sounds of so many living. louder punctuated sounds of death.
us dollar. wat. bhat. riel.
[those thoughts of individuals that comfort most in rooms, vans, streets of groups. a much-loved pause in all this crowded noise.]
running at dusk
cycling at dark
tears, sweat, smolder, sunset, solitude. breeze.
orange, black, blue, grey, brown
i am waiting to arrive.

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