Wednesday, October 04, 2006


it was rightly pointed out by jen, my wicked-awesome-roomie-sister-in-arms that i forgot to put up photo credit for a couple of the pics on here.

seeing as a few of them were a joint effort [ie one of us took it, the other played with the colours...], i leave those out... but ones of note, like the two most recent of the kids through the banister, those were taken by the j-macs herself. mind you she didnt LIKE them....but i did so they're up there.

the sunset one of our silhouettes...that was taken by our friend alana [obviously not me...i'm the second shadow from the left...] and so were a couple of the pagoda ones [though i had altered them quite a bit before i put them up].

if there are any others i've missed, i'm sorry. if i ever did randomly receive royalties for any pic that wasnt mine ...[?] know they'd go straight to the artist themselves.

....but in case you wondering....all the rest WERE taken by me....


Dan said...

tell her i love the banister ones (especially the second one). she can join our coop if she likes. we should actually start a group website and make it all professional-looking...

Dan said...
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Dan said...

p.s. - i have to stop looking at these kep pictures, they're making me really miss the ocean...

el. said...

haha cool, shes in. we'll def go 'on assignment' this weekend.

i think you should be in charge of the site design...something that pops...either that or totally pearson/granola haha...and people could submit their work anonymously if they wanted...that would be sweet.

[and ya, its going to be a serious effort pulling my eyes and my mind away from the coast this weekend. i miss the breakwater....sea-walls are healthy things.]