Tuesday, September 12, 2006


what a fun day.

managed to wake up at 630, on the dot, get downstairs and make two perfect glasses of iced coffee for jen and i without spilling/melting/setting fire to gerbrands mini 'italian' [thats what he calls it...its just a metal coffee maker]....all before the rest got up. planned the mornings lesson on the drive to the centre, the usual commute full of horrific dance-inspiring pop music and over-tired panic/hysterics while flipping through all 5 english grammar and lesson books trying discover the difference between the past and present continuous tenses of action verbs before i was to convincingly teach a table of 6 intelligent girls the distinction. [ha...and while i did figure out...we had a lesson on journaling in the end.]
so it was a brilliant morning.

and then it POURED

ah i love monsoon season. everything just seems to exhale. its just a beautifully healthy thing for pysche.

so when i came back to start the afternoon lesson and found only 2 girls, we had an impromptu ballet lesson. and once they mastered the pencil turn and plie, we moved on to swimming, holding a oh-so-SILLY individual medley race amidst the tables and chairs in the kitchen/dining room as soon as they mastered all four strokes.... [which i lost haha].

and just as we were about to hold the race again, but this time outside in what seemed like enough water to fill a pool, the other four suddenly woke up/stopped playing/undisappeared and we spent the last 20 minutes learning the lyrics to 'amazing grace' for what will be one of the first songs the girls are going to sing in our new singing group [i wouldnt call us a choir quite yet haha].

so it has been a goofy, balanced and oh so beautifully drenched tuesday.

and now if you'll excuse me,

i have a date with the rain.

[wish you were here.]

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